- Height controlled by Rocker Foot Pedal
- Height Range from 55 à 80 cm
(Higher starting heights also available)
- Width 60 cm, Length 190 cm
- Armrests, Face cut-out 33 cm,Paper Roll, Cutter
- Tilting Headpiece, 30° Positive and Negative Tilt
- Air-Powered Thoracic Spring Breakaway
- Air Cervical Dual Drop Headpiece
(Straight Down and Forward Motion)
- 3 Drops : Air Thoracic Drop, Air Lumbar Drop , Air Pelvic Drop
- Power Foot-Strips (trigger drops)
- Drop-Away Foot Section
- Choice of 20 vinyl colors for the top
- Beige, Grey or Black base with acrylic thermo-plastic cover
- One-year warranty on all parts (repair in return workshop)
Configure your table with the desired options and receive an official offer by clicking HERE
Sale on order after confirmation of a signed returned quote